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Tom Cresswell joins Science & technology Australia

Tom Cresswell joins Science & Technology Australia

Radioecologist Dr Tom Cresswell has been elected to the Board of Science & Technology Australia (STA), the country’s peak body representing about 70,000 Australian scientists and technologists.

The organisation is committed to influencing debate on public policy for science and technology and providing a voice for its members. 

Dr Tom Creswell

Cresswell was elected as a Cluster representative for the Chemical Sciences for two years. Previous ANSTO representatives on the STA Board included Prof Andrew Peele, Prof Henk Heijnis and Dr Rob Robinson.

“Tom is a great choice for this role. He will make a contribution based on his broad knowledge and experience in the environmental sciences,” said Heijnis.

“As I am personally committed to advocating the beneficial impacts of science, I very much look forward to serving with Science and technology Australia,” said Cresswell.

“In addition to developing policy and position statements, Science & Technology Australia host influential events such as Science Meets Parliament, promote STEM and diversity values as well build ties internationally.”

Cresswell, who uses radioisotopes to track contaminant bioaccumulation and regulation in plants and animals, is a Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne, Member of the International Union of Radioecology, Secretary of the South Pacific Environmental Radioactivity Association and Vice-President of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry-Australia Asia. 

He has been the recipient of multiple research awards and scholarships since completing his PhD in Applied Sciences at RMIT and CSIRO Land and Water Australia in 2012.

