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View inside ANSTO Synroc demonstration plant

ANSTO Synroc® - Waste Treatment Technology

ANSTO Synroc®- safe, secure and sustainable radioactive waste treatment.

A cost-effective, low-risk solution for the treatment of complex intermediate and high-level radioactive waste.  

ANSTO is progressing construction of its ANSTO Synroc ® waste treatment plant for waste arising from nuclear medicine production in Australia.  

This will be a first-of-kind facility globally, linking nuclear medicine production with radioactive waste treatment, supporting end-to-end lifecycle management.

ANSTO Synroc® technology is an Australian innovation for the conditioning and treatment of complex intermediate-level and high-level radioactive wastes to produce highly durable disposal ready wasteforms.

Our team of experienced engineers and scientists is ready to develop solutions for international clients seeking low-risk treatment technologies for managing their challenging radioactive waste. 

The external view of the ANSTO Synroc® waste treatment facility

See inside ANSTO Synroc® waste treatment facility

The ANSTO Synroc®  waste treatment plant, located in Sydney, Australia, is currently in a pre-commissioning phase.  

Once operational, this fully automated and remotely operated process plant will treat the liquid by-product of Molybdenum-99 (Mo-99)  nuclear medicine production in Australia.

Take a behind-the-scenes look via the latest images below.  

Learn more about the facility

This innovative nuclear waste treatment technology minimises environmental impact, reduces disposal volume, lowers lifecycle costs and is reliable and safe.

How it works

ANSTO has tailored the design of the waste form chemistry and associated process technology in response to the unique characteristics of waste.

Take a closer look at the technology behind ANSTO Synroc®.

Download technology overview

Reduces lifecycle costs

Minimises disposal volume

Less environment risk


Global waste treatment solution

The management of nuclear waste is a global issue. The safe and cost-effective treatment of radioactive waste into disposal ready product, reduces risk.  



Disposal ready solution

ANSTO Synroc® is an integrated platform technology tailored to characteristics of the waste that minimises disposal volumes, reduces lifecycle costs and lowers environmental risks. Solutions are built around: 


  • Waste characteristics 

  • Design of tailored wasteform additives  

  • Integration of modular process technologies that produce a durable, disposal ready wasteform product 

  • Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) for consolidation and volume reduction to form a compact wasteform.

Consulting for international clients

ANSTO has built a global reputation as a trusted and innovative technology solution provider for the safe treatment of challenging nuclear waste.  We have demonstrated capabilities across a broad scope of international projects.

ANSTO Synroc people

Our dedicated team of scientists, engineers, and highly skilled technologists, together with quality and governance specialists, have consulted on projects in the US, Canada, Europe, and South Africa, demonstrating the efficacy of our ANSTO Synroc® technology. 


Using a systems engineering and technology maturation strategy, we design an integrated waste treatment solution to meet your requirements. Our solutions are developed for the full lifecycle management of radioactive wastes that include:  


  • Characterisation  of the watste

  • Wasteform design including verification of long-term performance 

  • Process conceptualisation  

  • Design to pilot-scale demonstration testing with surrogate chemistry 

  • Translation of process design into a nuclear setting with emphasis on reliability,  availability and maintainability.   


We have a portfolio of technical services and active testing and processing facilities, all focussed on delivering the most efficient and cost-effective solution for international clients to better manage their radioactive waste. 

Connect with us

For more information including technical capabilities and case studies, please contact our engineering and technical team.