Media Centre
The ANSTO media centre provides journalists and media organisations with access our latest media announcements, multimedia resources, and media contacts.
For news and media releases more than 5 years old, please visit our archive page.

Media Gallery
View and download an extensive range of multimedia resources, including images, videos and B-roll.
View our Media GalleryFrequently Asked Questions
Can I contact an ANSTO scientist or subject matter expert to request an interview?
To arrange a media interview, request for comment in a media article, or even a podcast recording with one of ANSTO’s scientists, researchers, or technical subject matter experts, we ask that you reach out to ANSTO’s Media Team as the first point of contact.
ANSTO’s Media Team can help with identifying the relevant experts, organising interviews, answering specific questions, and providing media statements.
Can media outlets visit ANSTO for filming, photography, or interviews?
Journalists, reporters and media outlets seeking to visit ANSTO’s Lucas Heights or Clayton facilities for filming, photography, or interviews with ANSTO personnel can contact ANSTO’s Media Team to discuss the request.
Visitors will be required to provide their personal details, including their full name, residential address, date of birth, and a current Australian Drivers License or Passport for identification.
As ANSTO’s Lucas Heights is highly secure campus guarded by the Australian Federal Police, requests to visit our facilities are subject to security checks and processes. Our campus has around 100 buildings, and requests to film or photograph need to be considered and approved for each building or area ahead of time.
We recommend providing at least 2 - 3 business days’ notice for filming or photography requests.
However, during times of high demand for media visits and the availability of ANSTO’s Media Team staff to escort visitors, we may not be able to accommodate all requests.
Is filming or photography of the public spaces around ANSTO’s Lucas Heights entrance allowed?
The areas accessible to the public at ANSTO’s Lucas Heights, such as the entrance from New Illawarra Road and outside the ANSTO Café are generally acceptable for filming and photography. Contact the ANSTO Media Team for guidance on filming permissions.
The ANSTO Lucas Heights campus is located on Commonwealth land. Sensitive security infrastructure, such as security fencing and gates, and CCTV cameras must not be captured in any filming or photography.
Can I film my documentary or movie at ANSTO?
ANSTO’s Melbourne campus, the Australian Synchrotron, has been the backdrop of many TV commercials, music videos, and films.
Requests for comprehensive filming activities need to be carefully considered for safety, security, regulatory compliance, site availability, and possible disruptions to staff and research or operations activities.
Both ANSTO’s Lucas Heights and Clayton campuses operate 24/7 and some facilities are subject to strict production or operating schedules which may not allow for such filming to take place.
Please contact ANSTO’s Media Team in the first instance to discuss your request.
Are there special clothing or PPE requirements for journalists, reporters, or media personnel?
ANSTO’s Lucas Heights and Clayton campuses are industrial sites subject to strict safety requirements.
Visitors will need to wear appropriate clothing and fully enclosed footwear for safety reasons. Shorts, short skirts, singlets, sandals or thongs, and high heels will not be permitted in some buildings.
Full PPE and health and safety checks will be provided to visitors at selected areas, such as the OPAL Reactor.
Due to the presence of high magnetic fields in certain areas, visitors who are fitted with the following medical devices must inform ANSTO staff before or on arrival if they have a:
Cardiac pacemaker or implantable defibrillator,
Catheter with metal components,
Metal clip to prevent bleeding from an intracranial aneurysm,
Medication pump, such as those used to deliver insulin or pain-relieving drugs, and/or
Cochlear (inner ear) implant.
What are the security requirements to visit ANSTO?
Visitors will be required to provide their personal details, including their full name, residential address, date of birth, and a current Australian Drivers License or Passport for identification.
All visitors must bring an official form of identification for physical sighting. This includes an Australian Drivers Licence (digital or card) or Passport.
As ANSTO’s Lucas Heights is highly secure campus guarded by the Australian Federal Police, requests to visit our facilities are subject to security checks and processes.
Visitors to Lucas Heights may also be asked to undergo random vehicle or media equipment checks by the Australian Federal Police.
What am I not allowed to photograph or film at ANSTO?
ANSTO’s Lucas Heights and Clayton campuses are subject to strict protocols around photography or filming of our security infrastructure, particularly for our nuclear facilities at Lucas Heights.
We consider these protocols at Lucas Heights to be similar to that of a defence or correctional facility.
Any filming or photography cannot capture the following security infrastructure:
Security fences,
Points of entry, such as boom gates, turnstiles, staff gates,
CCTV cameras,
External doors, and
Security pass swipes,
ANSTO’s Media Team will provide guidance on any sensitive security infrastructure or commercial Intellectual Property that cannot be captured in filming or photography on the day.
In very limited circumstances, footage or photos taken may need to be physically reviewed by ANSTO before it can be released.
Where can I find more portfolio media releases about ANSTO?
Ministerial announcements are published at www.minister.industry.gov.au/ministers/husic
Departmental announcements are also available at www.industry.gov.au/news
Journalists with a media enquiry can contact ANSTO’s media unit:
- Melissa Richardson, Media Affairs Manager
- Email: media@ansto.gov.au
- Phone: 0499 830 165
ANSTO’s media unit is available from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (AEST), excluding NSW public holidays.
For urgent after-hours media enquiries, please contact the phone number listed above.
These contact details are for use by journalists and professional media outlets only. Visit our Engage With Us page for general enquiries.