Role at ANSTO
Dr Benedicta Arhatari is a Beamline Scientist for the Micro-Computed Tomography (MCT) beamline at the Australian Synchrotron. MCT is one of the first beamlines under construction as part of the BR–GHT program.
Her research has included the development of a quantitative model of image formation and evaluation of the quality of the 3D reconstruction of an object, using several experimentally significant parameters. It includes the development and testing of the theory for optimising phase imaging performance. Her research involves X-ray phase 2D imaging and 3D tomography using microfocus laboratory X-ray and synchrotron sources.Through her expertise, she can make a valuable contribution to the Australian Synchrotron in offering services to industry and other synchrotron users.
X-ray imaging, Computed Tomography, phase contrast, phase retrieval, image analysis.
Qualifications & Achievements
- PhD in Physics, 2006, University of Melbourne, Australia.
- Dissertation: “High Resolution Phase Contrast X-ray Radiography”.
- BSc+MSc in Physics, 1993, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
- Propædeutic Examination in Physics, 1989, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Scopus Reference ID