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Dr Quan Hua

Dr Quan Hua
Dr Quan Hua
Senior Principal Research Scientist

Role at ANSTO

Dr Quan Hua is a Senior Principal Research Scientist within the Environment Research and Technology Group at ANSTO. He has over  30 years of work experience in radiocarbon dating and its applications in Quaternary and climate change studies, and archaeology. His current research focuses on radiocarbon calibration, high-resolution proxy records of climate series from corals, speleothems, tree rings and sediments, the linkage between historic societal change and climate variability, and culture heritage


Radiocarbon, tree rings, corals, speleothems, accelerator mass spectrometry, small-mass radiocarbon, bomb-pulse radiocarbon, radiocarbon reservoir effects, radiocarbon calibration, atmospheric  transport, ocean circulation, archaeology, culture heritage

Qualifications & Achievements

  • Author of (200) refereed scientific publications and over 350 conference abstracts
  • PhD in Radiocarbon and Earth Sciences, University of Sydney
  • BSc in Physics, Dalat University, Vietnam
  • Awarded  19 successful research grant applications including ( 7) ARC DP, (1) ARC SRI, (1) ARC Centre of Excellence, (4) ARC LIEF, (1) DAFF FtRG, (1) CERF, (2) Australian Antarctic Science Program, (1) Environmental Trust and (1) National Geographic
  • Official collaborator of ( 3) overseas projects (2 US NSF and 1 NZ Marsden)
  • Scientific Visit Award by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan, 2018
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Invitation Fellowship for Research in Japan, 2009


Committees, Affiliations & Memberships

  • Associate Editor of Radiocarbon journal
  • Honorary Associate Professor, University of Queensland
  • Member of the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) Archaeology and Geosciences Specialist Committee, 2005-2018
  • Member of the Asian Dendrochronology Association (ADA) Committee, 2007-2008
  • Member of the Australasian Quaternary Association (AQUA)
  • Member of the American Geophysical Union (AGU)