CORIS360® Industry Applications
CORIS360® quickly and accurately images radiation across the full energy range, supporting safe workplaces across many industry settings.
Border protection and National security

Screening cargo entering a country is important to prevent the passage of illicit cargo, including radioactive material. Screening techniques must quickly provide the confident detection and assessment of threats without inhibiting the flow of commerce.
Secondary screening currently involves a manual scan of a container or vehicle with a hand held instrument.
CORIS360® solution
- Gamma imaging of an entire vehicle/container in one acquisition
- Fast imaging and data collection to minimise logistical disruptions
- Identifies and locates radioactive sources, quickly differentiating between radioactive sources of concern and naturally occurring radionuclides, which are common in cargo
- Ability to image threatening materials in the low energy range
- Decreases the manual labour and personnel radiation exposure of scanning the container with a hand held device.
Decommissioning and decontamination

Around the world, more than 115 commercial power reactors, 48 experimental or prototype reactors, over 250 research reactors and several fuel facilities have all been retired from operation. Planning for decommissioning requires a comprehensive characterisation of the components to be dismantled. Verifying that all radioactive components have been removed before site handover is an essential part of the process.
CORIS360® solution
- Operates in low and high dose environments
- Remote operation eliminates the need to send personnel into radiation areas to conduct a survey
- Compressed sensing delivers faster results, saving time, money and resources
- 360° x 90° field of view allows for large areas to be surveyed in one acquisition
- Images full energy range
- Portable system can be quickly deployed around facilities
- Overlay of optical and spectroscopic gamma images provides planners with information that is easy to interpret and the ability to compare areas before and after decommissioning or decontamination.
Defence and military

Increasing the situational awareness of RN threats in theatres of engagement has become an essential part of defence strategies in countries around the world.
CORIS360® Solution
- Operates in low and high dose environments
- 360° x 90° field of view allows a large area to be assessed in acquisition
- Fast standoff imaging of radioactive sources
- Identification of threat signatures
- Overlay of optical and spectroscopic gamma images makes interpretation easy
- Portable system can be quickly deployed to different locations.
First responders to radiological incidents

For first responders and emergency teams undertaking risk assessments and establishing secure perimeters quickly and effectively, is paramount. Protecting people, avoiding contamination spread, as well as improving overall safety and preservation of life, are the overriding aims.
CORIS360® Solution
- Fast to set up and easy to use
- Easy to interpret information
- Unparalleled scene visualisation, with simultaneous 360° horizontal field of view, and 90° vertical field of view
- An entire area can be scanned in one acquisition
- Using the precision optical overlay makes it extremely easy and fast to visualise and identify any radiation present so informed decisions can be made.
Nuclear operations

The operation of nuclear reactors for power, research and medical isotope production, as well as the associated waste management operations, requires careful monitoring, maintenance and shielding of fuel and irradiated products often in high dose rate environments.
CORIS360® Solution
- Operates in low and high dose rate environments
- Image nuclear material as well as sites with multiple sources
- Overlay of optical and spectroscopic gamma images makes interpretation easy
- Remote operation to reduce dose rate to workers
- Images full energy range.
- Portable system can be quickly deployed to different locations
Radiation services and health physics

Health physics services are vital in ensuring the safety of radiation workers within the nuclear industry. The ability to respond to requests for radiation dose surveys, incident response and dose assessments is also a key requirement.
CORIS360® Solution
- 360°x 90° gamma ray imaging allows for a comprehensive assessment of radiological incidents reducing exposure to high dose environments
- Fast start time and remote operation
- Easy user interface allows for a quick initial investigation
- Initial survey of the radiation scene allows a comprehensive dose assessment to be planned and executed, based on knowledge gained from comprehensive imaging.
- Operates in low and high dose environments
- Images full energy range
- Verification that radiation source has been removed.
Nuclear safeguards

It is essential that nuclear safeguards inspectors can confidently verify that nation states are meeting their obligations under international nuclear safeguards treaties. Central to these inspection activities is the identification of the location, type and amount of nuclear material that can be traced to declared activities. Verification instrumentation must provide unambiguous, verifiable results.
CORIS360® Solution
- Correlates the location and type of gamma emitting material
- Provides a real-time result
- Image gamma emissions of all nuclear material of interest
- 360° x 90° field of view allows a large area to be assessed in one acquisition.