Visitor Terms and Conditions
It is important to all Australians that our national assets are kept secure. For this reason, ANSTO has implemented a range of safety and security measures that visitors need to observe. All ANSTO visitors need to provide the following information prior to coming onsite:

Please note the following on the day you visit ANSTO:
· Adults (visitors aged 18 or more) must bring their identification with them for verification by ANSTO representatives on arrival at site. Adults who do not bring their identification with them on the day of the tour will not be permitted to proceed on the tour.
· As ANSTO is an industrial site and for safety reasons, all visitors need to wear appropriate, fully enclosed footwear. Sandals, thongs or high heels are not permitted.
· Photography is not permitted onsite. Photographic devices such as cameras or mobile phones with cameras and other recording devices must be stored in the lockers provided.
· Bags or cases are not permitted onsite. If you need to take snacks, drinks, medical or baby supplies with you, you can carry them in a clear plastic bag.
·No weapons, firearms, explosives, alcohol, animals or containers with volatile liquids are allowed onsite.
· There are no refreshment facilities onsite, apart from water. Outside of the site and adjacent to the ANSTO Discovery Centre, the ANSTO Café is open to the public Monday to Friday.
· Individuals visiting the site must read the ANSTO Visitor Terms and Conditions prior to visiting ANSTO.
Additional information for visiting groups:
· If your group would like to book the Café for meals either before or after your tour, please contact Café staff on (02) 8525 4427.
· If you are bringing your own bus on site, please note the bus must remain with the tour group for the duration of the tour. The bus driver should be advised that he/she will be required to drive the bus around the site.
Please ask for the Bus Information sheet for details on the type of vehicles that are suitable for the ANSTO site.
1. Cancellation of tours
ANSTO reserves the right to cancel or postpone any tour at any time but will provide you with as much advance notice as practically reasonable if this occurs. Due to their popularity, should you need to cancel your tour please try to provide as much notice as is possible. These terms and conditions will provide information about the return of any fees or deposit paid.
2. Personal information
ANSTOrecognises and respects its Visitors rights to privacy. We will collect and use the minimum amount of Personal Information needed for us to ensure you have a safe Visit to ANSTO. ANSTO will always endeavour to manage Visitor’s information to protect your privacy. Personal information we may collect in connection with your visit including:
- Full name of Visitor,
- Address
- email address
- gender
- telephone or mobile number
- drivers licence or passport information (including country of birth)
- age and date of birth;
- health information as detailed below; and
- special requirements (which may include dietary, medical information (including pregnancy information) and information about any disability affecting the Visitor).
ANSTO utilises Stripe Payments Australia Pty Ltd (Stripe) to process payments for the online tour booking system. In accordance with Stripes Privacy Policy, they may collect, use and disclose Personal information about Visitors when acting as a provider. This includes your credit card details, expiry date, card verification code (CVC), and date of transaction. The transactional information that is stored with Stripe may be disclosed to their related entities or third parties located in countries where laws on the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information are less stringent or protective than Australia. By accepting these terms and conditions, and making payments through the Stripe on-line system, you consent to the possible disclosure of your Personal Information overseas.
ANSTO maintains organisational, technical and administrative measures designed to protect Personal Information against unauthorised access, destruction, loss, alteration or misuse. We will share your Personal Information only with those necessary to keep you safe during your visit, and to protect ANSTO’s security for our landmark infrastructure. ANSTO Security, incorporating the Australian Federal Police, may request a background check on any visitor before providing them with permission to enter the ANSTO site. In this case, you may be contacted directly before the date of the tour and asked to complete a Background Check Consent Form. Most of the data we collect will be stored electronically. Although a limited number of persons have access to your Personal Information, no transmission or storage system is 100% secure.
ANSTO and/or Stripe, may retain your Personal Information as long as is necessary to ensure you have a safe visit to ANSTO. ANSTO and Stripe may retain your Personal Information after your visit, in accordance with our legal and regulatory obligations.
ANSTO may update these terms and conditions from time to time to reflect new services, changes in the collection of Personal Information, or legislation. We may provide you with a notification or alert, through the tours@ansto.gov.au email.
For more information on ANSTO’s Privacy Policy follow this link: https://www.ansto.gov.au/access-to-information
3. Refund and Cancellation Policy
ANSTO’s refund and cancellation policies are provided subject to the Australian Consumer Laws (ACL). The following clauses regarding payments and refunds are subject to the legislation of the ACL.
If your tour fails to meet a consumer guarantee (as defined under the ACL), you have the right to ask for a replacement or refund under the ACL. Subject to your rights under the ACL, any remedies provided will be under the discretion of ANSTO, having regard to all the relevant circumstances and any information you provide about the reasons for the cancellation.
Public Tours
Payment for a tour will generally be made by credit card upon booking online, through Stripe as detailed above, or over the counter at the ANSTO Discovery Centre. If you have to cancel your tour, under the ACL or at the discretion of the ANSTO Discovery Centre, a refund may be issued back to any credit card used.
School Tours
For cancellation of a school tour or excursion, ANSTO would appreciate a minimum of at least one (1) weeks’ notice. If an excursion is cancelled within a week of the scheduled excursion date, cancellation fees may apply subject, your rights under the ACL. An invoice for payment will be issued to the nominated school contact person via email after the tour. The invoice sum will be for the number of students attending on the day, or ninety percent (90%) of the charge for the original number of students booked, whichever is the higher amount. Payment is required by credit card within thirty (30) days of the tax invoice being sent. In the case of severe weather conditions or natural disasters or operational issues, ANSTO may cancel a tour. Under these circumstances, a change of date or a full refund will be offered by ANSTO.
4. Condition of Entry
All Visitors to ANSTO’s facilities agree to comply with all reasonable directions and obey all rules and regulations applying to ANSTO’s facilities, which will be advised at the time of entry. In doing so, ANSTO has the right to refuse entry and ask individuals to leave at any time in their discretion.
5. Liability
You acknowledge that during your visit, ANSTO will not be liable to you for any loss, damage, injury or any incidental, indirect, special, consequential or economic loss or damage suffered (including loss of opportunities, exemplary or punitive damages) whether to a person or to property and whether arising from default, negligence, misconduct or otherwise by ANSTO, its employees or agents and you indemnify ANSTO against all claims. You agree that you will follow the directions of ANSTO staff at all time and will act in a safe and responsible manner.
6. Health considerations
Due to the presence of high magnetic fields in certain areas, Visitors who are fitted with the following medical devices must inform Discovery Centre staff on arrival:
· a cardiac pacemaker or implantable defibrillator
· a catheter that has metal components
· a metal clip placed to prevent bleeding from an intracranial aneurysm
· a medication pump (such as that used to deliver insulin or a pain-relieving drug) and/or
· a cochlear (inner ear) implant
We would also appreciate knowing in advance whether visitors have mobility issues as there may be a small amount of walking involved. The tour can accommodate Visitors in wheelchairs.