The 9th Vacuum and Surface Science Conference of Asia and Australia
Date |
Mon 13 Aug at 9.00am - Thu 16 Aug at 5.00pm
Cost |
$715.00 - $990
Venue | SMC Conference & Function Centre 66 Goulburn St, Sydney NSW 2000 |
Register | |
Important Dates Abstract Closes: 20 May 2018 Earlybird Closes: 11 May 2018 Registration Closes: 1 July 2018 |

This biennial conference aims to bring together industry, education, development and research in vacuum science and technology within the Asian, Pacific and Indian Ocean regions. It is a conference of the vacuum societies of Australia, China, India, Iran, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, and Taiwan. VASSCAA-9 is one of the main conferences supported by the International Union of Vacuum Science, Techniques and Application (IUVSTA).
The conference, which will run through National Science Week and the Sydney Science Festival, will introduce to the general public this enabling technology through a series of high-profile public events highlighting its importance to everyday life and future technologies and to the exciting science that drives its development.
Topics covered by VASSCAA-9 are:
- Accelerator and Radiation Sciences and Technology
- Applied Surface Science
- Biosurfaces, interfaces, nanostructures
- Electronic Materials/Processing
- Magnetic surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures
- Nanometer¬ Scale Science & Technology
- Catalytic materials and processes
- Plasma Science & Techniques
- Surface Engineering
- Surface Science
- Thin Film
- Vacuum Science and Technology
- Renewable Energy Technologies
Focus will be given and highlighted in those areas that overlap with the strategic research priorities set by the Australian Government.

Our current sponsors
Sponsorship Opportunities
We have several sponsorship opportunities available please view our:
Registration details
Full conference registration will entitle delegates to the following:
- Entry to all conference sessions
- Coffee breaks and lunches for all conference days
- Admission to the catered welcome reception - 2 hour canape and beverage
- Admission to the formal Gala Dinner
- PDF version of abstract booklet
- Conference Satchel
Early Bird registration $825.00 Deadline: 11 May 2018 | Full registration $990 Deadline: 1 July 2018 | Student Registration $715.00 Deadline: 1 July 2018 |
Abstract submission guide
- Abstract submission will be entirely by electronic means
- Abstract submitted should be a maximum of 250 words
- Abstract should be original work
- All abbreviations must be spelled out on first use
- Abstract should be thoroughly checked for spelling and grammar
- Once accepted all presenters must register and pay to attend the Conference
We invite you to submit abstracts to the following topics:
- Applied Surface Science
- Biosurfaces, interfaces, nanostructures
- Electronic Materials/Processing
- Magnetic surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures
- Nanometer Scale Science & Technology
- Catalytic materials and processes
- Plasma Science & Technology
- Radiation Sciences and Technology
- Surface Engineering
- Surface Science
- Thin Film
- Vacuum Science and Technology
- Renewable Energy Technologies
Helpful links
For more information
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Kirrawee DC NSW 2232