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Dr Stephanie Bird

Beamline Scientist – MX
Dr Stephanie Bird
Beamline Scientist – MX

Role at ANSTO

Dr Stephanie Bird (formerly Boer) is an instrument scientist at the two Macromolecular Crystallography (MX) beamlines at the Synchrotron, focusing on the concerns of the chemical crystallography community. She provides support to beamline users and is working on developing making high pressure crystallography, as well as other non-standard techniques, accessible on these beamlines.

Stephanie has a background in synthetic chemistry, ranging from chiral coordination chemistry to hydrogen-bonded frameworks and photocatalytic systems. All of her research has involved crystallisation, crystal engineering, and structural analysis.


Single Crystal X-ray Crystallography, Crystal Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry

Qualifications & Achievements

  • Post-Doctoral position in Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis, Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University (2019-2020)
  • Post-Doctoral position in Organic Supramolecular Chemistry, Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University (2017-2018)
  • PhD in Inorganic Supramolecular Chemistry, Monash University (2017)
  • Best Student Talk, Supramolecular Symposium of the RACI centenary Conference (2016)
  • Poster Prize, 14th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association (2016)

Poster Prize, RACI Symposium of Inorganic Chemistry (2015 and 2016)