Sodium Iodide - 131I Therapy Capsules
Product Details
Sodium Iodide [131I] Therapy Capsules are indicated in the treatment of hyperthyroidism and the detection and ablation of residual functioning thyroid tissue in differentiated thyroid carcinoma.
Product Code | 10020 50MBq - 600MBq 10233 700MBq - 6000MBq |
Indications | Sodium Iodide (131I) Therapy Capsules are indicated in the treatment of hyperthyroidism and the detection and ablation of residual functioning thyroid tissue in differentiated thyroid carcinoma. |
Chemical Form | Sodium Iodide absorbed on an hydrous di-Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate |
Physical Form | Capsule in 10 mL serum vial |
Specific Activity | Greater than 185 TBq Iodine-131/g Iodine |
Radionuclidic Purity | Greater than 99% Iodine - 131 |
Radiochemical Purity | Greater than 99% Iodine - 131 as Iodide following dissolution |
Pack Size | As per decay chart |
Calibration | 0900 EST Monday |
Expiry | 14 days after calibration |
Ordering details
Product code | Sizes | Calibration 0900 EST | New orders & changes/cancellations |
10020 (small) 10233 (large) | 50-600 (small) 700-6000 (large) | Monday | 1300 on day of despatch Mon-Thurs 1500 Friday for Sunday despatch |
Other useful information: Made to order & always calibrated for Monday. Customers may request an I-131 product by the activity required on the day of use. Capsules and solutions are delivered at cal on Mondays, post cal Tuesday to Thursday, and pre-calibration on Fridays (subject to stock availability)
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