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How safe is OPAL?

The OPAL research reactor's design and integrated safety features mean it is extremely safe; a fact confirmed by independent analysis.

OPAL multipurpose reactor

OPAL multi-purpose reactor

Australia’s Open Pool Australian Lightwater (OPAL) reactor is a state-of-the-art 20 megawatt multi-purpose reactor that uses low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel to achieve a range of  activities to benefit human health, enable research to support a more sustainable environment and provide innovative solutions for industry.

OPAL operating cycles

OPAL operating cycles

The OPAL research reactor operates on an annual (calendar year) program. This page provides details of OPAL's operating cycles including maintenance information.

Why OPAL is an advanced reactor

With the screening of the popular HBO series about Chernobyl, we asked our Nuclear Analysis team for their insights on key differences between the reactor in the TV series, a Generation II RBMK power reactor and ANSTO’s state of the art research reactor OPAL.
