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Powder diffraction applications

Applications - Echidna

Electric hybrid car


High-resolution powder diffraction can be used to:

  • Determine structures of newly created materials, to better understand their properties
  • Study materials with light elements in the presence of heavy ones (eg. oxides, borides, carbides) and for magnetic materials
  • Study hydrogen (as deuterium) in hydrogen storage materials
  • Measure strain, crystallite size, and defects in materials such as metals, hydrogen storage and electro-chemical materials, and mesoscopic structures
  • Investigate materials with complex crystal structures, including catalysts, hybrid materials, organics, cements, natural minerals, zeolites, and non-linear optical materials
  • Study the structural and magnetic phase transitions of ferroic and electronic materials such as superconductors and magneto-resistive materials
  • Investigate bulk samples or samples in extreme environments (pressure, temperature, stress, magnetic and electric fields, or combinations of these) 

Recent results



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