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Energy Materials

Energy Materials

Creating a global energy system that is both environmentally and economically sustainable is unquestionably one of the largest challenges facing the scientific and engineering communities.

Advanced materials

Stable, highly conductive 2D nanosheets of boron nitride promising new material.

Food Materials Science

Food Materials Science

The Food Materials Science project applies nuclear-based techniques to investigate fundamental and industrial problems of national significance in food science, including food processing and product development. ingredient selection, food, and health


Advanced manufacturing and materials

ANSTO’s suite of infrastructure and capabilities is ideally suited for solving problems relating to the development and characterisation of advanced materials, and the engineering of manufactured components and processes.

Materials in extreme environments

Materials in extreme environments

Material researchers at ANSTO use a range of in-house capabilities in the development, testing and characterisation of existing and emerging materials for extreme environments of the novel nuclear (fission/fusion) based energy-generation systems.

Shielding space shuttle

Materials in extreme environments

Materials researchers focus on development, performance and in-service degradation of nickel-based superalloys, reinforced carbon-Carbon (C/C) composites, and ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTC).

The characterisation of planetary materials

The characterisation of planetary materials

ANSTO provides a range of capabilities using neutrons, X-rays and infrared radiation to study the solids, liquids and gases that might be found in materials in our solar system and beyond.

hills on Mars

The characterisation of planetary materials

ANSTO provides a range of capabilities using neutrons, X-rays and infrared radiation to study the solids, liquids and gases that might be found in materials in our solar system and beyond.

Advanced materials and manufacturing processes

Advanced materials and manufacturing processes

ANSTO infrastructure and capabilities are ideally suited for solving problems relating to the development and characterisation of advanced materials, the engineering of manufactured components and manufacturing processes.
