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Carol Azzam Mackay
Design and Innovation Manager

Dr Carol Azzam Mackay is the Design and Innovation Manager at nandin, ANSTO’s Innovation Centre.

Surfer Plot

Data Analysis

Below lists some useful programs for data reduction, search matching, analysis and structure visualisation of diffraction data.

Public Interest Disclosure Scheme

Public Interest Disclosure Scheme

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 aims to promote integrity and accountability in the Australian Public Sector by encouraging the disclosure of information about actual or suspected wrongdoing, protecting people who make disclosures and ensuring that disclosures are properly investigated and dealt with.

Astronauts in space station

Mitigation and Optimisation of Radiation Responses

This program explores the mechanism and outcome of the interaction of radiation on biological systems in order to improve our understanding of the impact of radiation on the brain, optimise radiotherapy and develop mitigation strategies for space travellers.

Think Science! A Nationwide Science Event

Think Science! Bringing science skills together.

The Think Science! competition encourages students in Years 3-10 to learn science inquiry skills in a fun and accessible way! Entry is FREE and there are generous prizes for winning schools. Any topic can be chosen, and special materials are not required.
